Adding Bootstrap JavaScript functionality
Our default theme currently uses Bootstrap 3.4 as a CSS framework, but does not include any JavaScript functionality.
Using our Custom HTML/Layout feature, you can customize the look and feel of the site, and also add other enhancements as needed. One example of a customization would be adding Bootstrap's JavaScript.
In the "Main Layout", under {{ footer_core_js }}
, add the following:
<script src="" integrity="sha384-aJ21OjlMXNL5UyIl/XNwTMqvzeRMZH2w8c5cRVpzpU8Y5bApTppSuUkhZXN0VxHd" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
Adding Tooltips
One thing you can do with Bootstrap's JavaScript is to add tooltips to your site or articles, like this:
To to this, you will paste an additional snippet. Below the <script> tag mentioned above, also paste the following.
<script> $(function() { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() }); $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); }); </script>
Then, in an article where you want to add a tooltip, you'll need to switch into Code View and add HTML like the following example:
This is a test to show how <strong data-toggle="tooltip" title="This is a tooltip test">tooltips</strong> can work.
Get in touch if you have any other questions.